Give real support to oppressed Afghan women

A part of my new article published in the NRC newspaper : Today, Afghanistan is a mass grave for its daughters and women. For three years now, Afghan girls have been denied all basic rights. Education, work, and social participation have become unattainable dreams. In...
Pen Club Français

Pen Club Français

À propos Rencontre littéraire dans le cadre de la semaine d’inauguration de Capitale Mondiale du Livre Table ronde autour du livre pour diffuser la liberté d’expression et la justice avec : Somaia Ramish – poète, écrivaine, journaliste et militante des...

Speech at the University of Lille, France

Freedom has no meaning unless it is equal for all people. I spoke at the University of Lille in France about the suppression and censorship of art in Afghanistan and the Baamdaad protest movement against censorship.I also had a look at the place of poetry in the lives...